

The secret game: media and power (✓)   [2019]

Baltezarevic, Vesna  ; Baltezarevic, Radoslav  

On transdisciplinary and transideological character of the new paradigm of human development   [2019]

Vučinić-Nešković, Vesna M.  ; Nebojša Nešković

Current state and perspectives of renewable energy sources in Serbia   [2019]

T. M. Pavlovic; D. Lj. Mirjanic; Radonjić- Mitić, Ivana S.  ; A. Maric Stankovic; D. S. Pirsl

Renewable energy sources in society   [2019]

D. Lj. Mirjanic; T. M. Pavlovic; Radonjić- Mitić, Ivana S.  ; D. S. Pirsl; G. Sazhko; A. Maric Stankovic


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