

Accessing Students According to their Type of Personality Regarding Big Five (✓)   [2019]

Kavalić, (Zakin) Mila  ; Vlačić, Slaviša; Ćoćkalo, Hronjec Melinda; Stanisavljev, (Zec) Sanja  ; Ljubojev, Nadežda  

Techniques and Technologies in the EducationalSystem of the Republic of Serbia (✓)   [2019]

Kovačević, Miodrag ; Tasić, Nemanja  

A preliminary review teaching Computer Graphics at University (✓)   [2019]

Mihajlović, Siniša  ; Berković, Ivana F.  ; Stojkov, Aleksandra  

Application Development Using WPF (✓)   [2019]

Mihajlović, Siniša  ; Brtka, (Miok) Eleonora  

An Overview of Analysis of Students E-Mails in Their Communication With Teachers   [2019]

A. Baggia; D. Gak; GRBIĆ, TATJANA P.  ; MEDIĆ, SLAVICA S.  ; DURAKOVIĆ, NATAŠA R.  ; A. Žnidaršič; U. Rajkovič; A. Tratnik; J. Jerebic

Developing New Approach to Reduce Risk in the Process of Adoption Decision (✓)   [2019]

Petrović, K.; Ilić, N.; Nikoić, V.; Markoski, Branko  ; Jancev, N.

Encouraging active learning of Java and R through the use of Git code repositories (✓)   [2019]

Tomić, Bojan B.  ; Milikić, Nikola ; Jovanović, Jelena  ; Devedžić, Vladan  ; Đurić, Dragan  ; Ševarac, Zoran  

The Application of Intelligent Tutoring Systems in Education (✓)   [2019]

Jotanović, Gordana; Brtka, Vladimir  ; Jauševac, Goran; Stjepanović, Aleksandar; Stojčić, Mirko


Simić, Novak; Lacmanović, Dejan ; Premčevski, Velibor  


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