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Nutritional habits of subjects with Type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Mediterranean Basin: comparison with the non-diabetic population and the dietary recommendations. Multi-Centre Study of the Mediterranean Group for the Study of Diabetes (MGSD)   [2004]

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Diabetics with heart failure have more prominent autonomic dysfunction than non diabetic heart failure patients   [2004]

Trifunovic-Zamaklar, Danijela D  ; Zivkovic, Mirjana B; Jelic, Vera; Vukomanovic, Goran V; Ristic, Arsen D  ; Seferovic, Petar M 

Different islet cell antibody titer at onset of type 1 diabetes: an association with changes in CD4+T cells subsets and clinical course of disease   [2006]

Jotic, Aleksandra Z; Lalic, Nebojsa M; Milicic, Tanja J; Lukic, Miodrag L; Markovic, Ivanka D  ; Djuricic, Bogdan; Zamaklar, Miroslava N; Lalic, Katarina S  ; Lukic, Ljiljana Z  ; Rajkovic, Natasa V;
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Sensor-augmented pump therapy in real-life: patients reported outcomes results of the INTERPRET observational study   [2012]

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Galectin-3 deficiency confers resistance to cytokine-induced apoptosis of pancreatic islets - role of mitochondrial pathway   [2012]

Nikolić, Ivana; Saksida, Tamara  ; Zdravković, N  ; Stojanović, I  ; Lukić, Miodrag L; Stošić-Grujičić, Stanislava 

The effects of decreased gastric secretion on treatment of obesity   [2009]

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High prevalence of foot ulceration in the Balkan region - a multicenter study from the BALKANDIAB network.   [2003]

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