

The Crvenka loess-paleosol sequence: A record of continuous grassland domination in the southern Carpathian Basin during the Late Pleistocene   [2018]

Marković Slobodan  ; Sümegi Pal; Stevens Thomas; Schaetzl Randall J.; Obreht Igor; Chu Wei; Buggle B.; Zech Michael; Zech Roland; Zeeden Christian;
Gavrilov Milivoj; Perić Zoran; Svirčev Zorica  ; Lehmkuhl Frank;

Millennial scale climate oscillations recorded in the Lower Danube loess over the last glacial period (vol 15, pg 164, 2018)   [2019]

Zeeden, Christian; Hambach, Ulrich; Veres, Daniel; Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E; Obreht, Igor; Boesken, Janina; Lehmkuhl, Frank

Editorial: Eurasian loess records   [2018]

Marković Slobodan  ; Yang Shiling; Mason Joseph

Magneto-biostratigraphy and paleoenvironments of the Miocene freshwater sediments of the Sarajevo-Zenica Basin   [2018]

Sant, K.; Andrić, Nevena ; Mandic, O.; Demir, V.; Pavelić, D.; Rundić, Ljupko  ; Hrvatović, H.; Matenco, L.; Krijgsman, W.

Loess correlations – Between myth and reality   [2018]

Marković Slobodan  ; Stevens Thomas; Mason Joseph; Vandenberghe Jef; Yang Shiling; Veres Daniel; Újvári Gábor; Timar-Gabor Alida; Zeeden Christian; Guo Zhengtang;
Hao Qingzhen; Obreht Igor; Hambach Ulrich; Wu Haibin; Gavrilov Milivoj; Rolf Christian; Tomić Nemanja  ; Lehmkuhl Frank;

Magnetostratigraphy and small mammals of the Late Oligocene Banovici basin in NE Bosnia and Herzegovina   [2011]

de, Leeuw Arjan; Mandic, Oleg; De, Bruijn Hans; Markovic, Zoran R; Reumer, Jelle; Wessels, Wilma; Sisic, Enes; Krijgsman, Wout

Palaeoclimate and vegetation change in Serbia during the last 30 Ma   [2007]

Utescher, Torsten; Djordjevic-Milutinovic, Desa Dj; Bruch, A; Mosbrugger, Volker


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