

A fixed point theorem of Jungck in b<inf>v</inf>(s) -metric spaces   [2018]

Aleksić, Suzana  ; Mitrovic, Zoran; Radenovíc S. 

On representation of a linear operator on the set of mean-convex sequences (✓)   [1992]

Milovanović, Igor  ; Stojanović, Natalija  ; Toader, G.; Pečarić, J.

Generic cryptographic weakness of k-normal Boolean functions in certain stream ciphers and cryptanalysis of grain-128   [2012]

Mihaljević, Miodrag  ; Gangopadhyay, Sugata; Paul, Goutam; Imai, Hideki

Extension of Mathieu series and alternating Mathieu series involving the Neumann function Y-nu   [2022]

Parmar, Rakesh K; Milovanovic, Gradimir V ; Pogany, Tibor K

An extremal problem for real algebraic polynomials   [2013]

Kovačević, Milan ; Milovanović, Igor  

A new small Dowker space   [2023]

Rinot, Assaf; Shalev, Roy; Todorcevic, Stevo  


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