

Global distribution and use of water from karst aquifers   [2018]

Stevanović, Zoran P.  

Appreciating loess landscapes through history: the basis of modern loess geotourism in the Vojvodina region of North Serbia   [2014]

Vasiljević, Đorđije  ; Marković, Slobodan  ; Vujičić, Miroslav  

Petrogenesis of Mediterranean lamproites and associated rocks: The role of overprinted metasomatic events in the post-collisional lithospheric upper mantle (✓)   [2022]

Casalini, M.; Avanzinelli, R.; Tommasini, S.; Natali, C.; Bianchini, G.; Prelević, D.  ; Mattei, M.; Conticelli, S.


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