

Split delta shocks—an overview   [2016]

Nedeljkov, Marko  

A note on topological direct sum of subspaces (✓)   [2018]

Rakić, Dragan S.  ; Dragan Đorđević  

Solutions to some solvable modular operator equations   [2016]

Đorđević, Dragan  ; Mehdi Mohammadzadeh Karizaki

A Note on Some Results Related to Infinite Matrices on Weighted l1 Spaces   [2016]

Đolović, Ivana  ; Malkowsky, Eberhard 

On pairs of generalized and hypergeneralized projections in a Hilbert space   [2013]

Đorđević, Dragan  ; S.Radosavljevic

Idempotents related to the weighted Moore-Penrose inverse   [2011]

Mosić, Dijana V.  ; Đorđević, Dragan S.  

Continuity of modulus of nonco- mpact convexity for minimalizable measures of noncompactness   [2015]

Aranđelović, Ivan D.  ; A. Rekić - Vuković; N. Okičić; V. Pašić


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