

Impact of diabetes mellitus on the frequency of post- operative complications after carotid endarterectomy   [2022]

Igrutinovic, Gojko Lj; Nenezic, Dragoslav U; Jakovljevic, Aleksandar R; Elek, Zlatan N; Miljkovic, Nikola M; Kasalovic, Mladen N; Vicentijevic, Danijela R

Plasma phospholipid fatty acid patterns are associated with adiposity and the metabolic syndrome in black South Africans: a cross-sectional study   [2019]

Ojwang, Alice Achieng; Kruger, Herculina Salome; Zec, Manja M. ; Ricci, Cristian; Pieters, Marlien; Kruger, Iolanthe M.; Wentzel-Viljoen, Edelweiss; Smuts, Cornelius M.


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