

Defining the difference between ethical and unethical banks - case of Serbia (✓)   [2015]

Zelenović, Vera  ; Vunjak, Nenad; Mirović, Vera  

Money Laundering – the Experience of Europe - with Regard to Serbia   [2011]

Zelenović, Vera  ; Dragan Lukač

Defining the Difference between Ethical and Unethical Banks   [2014]

Zelenović V; Vunjak, Nenad; Mirović V

Defining the Difference between Ethical - and Unethical Banks - Case of Serbia.   [2015]

Zelenović, Vera  ; Nenad Vunjak; Vera Mirović

Single Rate vs Multiple Rates of Value Added Tax (✓)   [2011]

Cvjetković, Cvjetana  ; Tomić Đuričić, Jovana

Organizing PR activities in banks - exaples in Serbia (✓)   [2012]

Zelenović, Vera  ; Lukač, Dragan; Vunjak, Nenad

Organising PR Activities in Banks-Examples in Serbia   [2012]

Zelenović, Vera  ; Dragan Lukač; Nenad Vunjak


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