

To Modernize or Not to Modernize – There is No Question   [2013]

Živković, Slađana; Stojković, Nadežda  

Internalized Stigma among People with Mental Illness in Serbia and the Psychometric Properties of the Ismi Scale   [2014]

Vidojevic, Ivona Milacic  ; Dragojevic, Nada; Tošković, Oliver  ; Popovic, Milica

Constitutional Future of Europe   [2013]

Đorđević, Srđan  ; Rapajić, Milan  

Internalized stigma among people with a mental illness in Serbia and psychometric properties of a ISMI scale   [2014]

Milačić-Vidojević, Ivona  ; Dragojević, Nada; Tošković, Oliver  ; Popović, Milica


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