Fluidity of contemporary context and the postindustrial phase of the first industrial zone in Belgrade
Jerković-Babović, Bojana 

Monastery Crkvina and monastery Tvrdoš, Trebinje, Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina - complex reconstruction and development [2019]
Arsić, PetarTechnological solutions for covering archaeological sites in order to present mosaics in situ – case studies
Ugrinović, Aleksandra 

Investment locations maping: Kikinda city case study
Furundžić, Danilo S. 

Application of multi-criteria analysis in the process of energy renewal of residential buildings [2019]
Krstić-Furundžić, Aleksandra

The issue of preservation of traditional rammed earth houses: current practice of presentation in Serbia and region
Kontić, Ana 
Searching for the code of New Belgrade’s open space: case study of Block 37
Jovanović, Predrag 

Mechatronics in architecture: design research methodology [2019]
Petrović, Milica
Identifying priority indicators for reuse of industrial buildings using AHP method - Case study of Electronic Industry in Nis
Stanojević, Ana D. 

Aspects of the relationship between the architectural heritage and nature for better places in future [2019]
Furundžić, Nikola Z.; Furundžić, Dijana P.; Krstić-Furundžić, Aleksandra
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