

Variations of total electron content over Serbia during the increased solar activity period in 2013 and 2014   [2016]

Blagojević, Dragan ; Todorović-Drakul, Miljana  ; Odalović, Oleg  ; Grekulović, Sanja  ; Popović, Jovan  ; Joksimović, Danilo

Possibility to determine highly precise geoid for Egypt territory   [2020]

Gad, Moamen Awad Habib; Odalović, Oleg  ; Naod, Sofija

The Optimal Conformal Projection for Pan-European Mapping   [2020]

Nestorov, Ivan Dj ; Kilibarda, Milan S  ; Protic, Dragutin D  

Central geospatial database analysis of the quality of road infrastructure data   [2016]

Drobnjak, Siniša  ; Sekulović, Dragoljub  ; Amović, Mladen; Gigović, Ljubomir  ; Regodić, Miodrag

Using nosql databases in the 3d cadastre domain   [2017]

Višnjevac, Nenad  ; Mihajlović, Rajica  ; Šoškić, Mladen  ; Cvijetinović, Željko  ; Bajat, Branislav  

Domain model of an agricultural information system based on standards   [2018]

Janković, Nikola; Govedarica, Miro  ; Navratil, Gerhard; Fogliaroni, Paolo

Deformation Analysis: the Modified Gredod Method   [2022]

Batilović, Mehmed  ; Kanović, Željko  ; Sušić, Zoran  ; Marković, Marko  ; Bulatović, Vladimir  

Proposed design of local 2d geodetic network for the construction of the tunnel part of the Belgrade metro   [2015]

Savanović, Marija; Savanović, Rajko; Ninkov, Toša ; Sabadoš, Igor

Mortgage market in the republic of Serbia: present situation and prospects   [2013]

Gospavić, Zagorka ; Gučević, Jelena  ; Vasović, Olivera; Đokić, Vladan  
