

Legal regulation of the e-commerce area in the republic of Serbia and contribution to its development   [2021]

Cvijić, Lazar  ; Stanković, Ljiljana Đ.  ; Babić, Violeta M.  

Impact of Risk Factor on the Efficiency of Industrial Supply Chains   [2021]

Grujić, Jelena  ; Puharić, Mirjana ; Ilić, Ivana  

The European Union Ten Years After the Lisbon Treaty   [2020]

Stanković, Vladan  ; Kostić, Duško M.  

The Right of Foreigners to Acquire Movable and Immovable Property in the Republic of Serbia   [2020]

Opačić, Ana ; Stanković, Vladan  ; Danevska, Milijana  

Significance and Necessity of Updating the Matrix of Technical Coefficients in Input-Output Analysis   [2022]

Šegrt, Slobodan  ; Sekulić, Marija  ; Arsić, Andreja  

Possible trends of establish and realization of perspective research and innovative projects suitable for SMEs in Serbia   [2019]

Tomić, Radoljub ; Kokanović, Milun; Anđelković, Маја Ž.  

Afghanistan as a Statement of Discontinuation of Interests and Goals of the US National Security Strategy   [2021]

Forca, Božidar  ; Dostić, Siniša; Keković, Zoran  
