

Antioxidant defense enzymes activity in the freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea as potential biomarkers of organic pollution: a preliminary study   [2010]

Vranković, Jelena  ; Labus Blgojević Svetlana; Tomović, Jelena  ; Atanacković, Ana  ; Paunović, Momir  

Development of multimetric index based on aquatic macroinvertebrates for running waters in Serbia. Conference on water observation and information system for decision support   [2010]

Paunović, Momir  ; Vasiljević, Božica  ; Zorić, Katarina  ; Dunja Jakovčev-Todorović; Simić, Vladica  ; Simić, Snežana  

The intestinal parasite Pomphorhynchus laevis Müller, 1776 (Acanthocephala) from barbel Barbus barbus L. from the Danube River in the area of Belgrade   [2010]

Đikanović, Vesna  ; Nikolić, Vera  ; Simić, Vladica  ; Dunja Jakovčev-Todorović; Predrag Cakić

A comet assay applied on freshwater mussel Unio tumidus, 1788 as a tool for environmental status assessment   [2010]

Tomović, Jelena  ; Vranković, Jelena  ; Mitić Ćulafić, Dragana  ; Vuković Gačić, Branka  ; Knežević-Vukčević, Jelena ; Gačić, Zoran  ; Paunović, Momir  

Ecologycal Survey of Macroinvertebrate Communities in the Vrelska Padina and the Ivanstica Rivers (Eastern Serbia)   [2010]

Đuknić, Jelena A.  ; Bjelanović, Katarina  ; Durutovic, A.; Jovanović, Vladimir M.  

The Strategy and The Results of The Ex Situ Conservation of The Hydro - Bionates in The Aquarium of The Institute For Biology and Ecology, Kragujevac–Serbia   [2010]

Simić, Vladica  ; Simić, Snežana  ; Petrović, Ana  ; Paunović, Momir  ; Tomović, Jelena  

Overview of the Water Management Information System of Serbia   [2010]

Ninković, Dragana  ; Majkić, Brankica  ; M. Mančić

Horizontal distribution and abundance of Copepoda in Bay of Kotor- coastal waters of Southern Adriatic (✓)   [2010]

Vukanić, Vera  ; Živić, Nebojša ; Jelena Danilovic Lukovic  

Development of multimetric index based on aquatic macroinvertebrates for running waters in Serbia (✓)   [2010]

Paunović, Momir  ; Vasiljević, Božica  ; Zorić, Katarina  ; Dunja Jakovčev-Todorović; Simić, Vladica  ; Simić, Snežana  

Water Quality Assessment Based On Saprobiological Analyses Of The Macroinvertebrate Communities In The Zapadna Morava River Basin   [2010]

Paunović, Momir  ; Simić, Vladica  ; Đorđević, Nevena  ; Đikanović, Vesna  ; Slavevska-Stamenković Valentina; Predrag Cakić


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