

Exploration of the source of the Mlava river, by Cvijić and since   [2015]

Milanović, Saša  ; Ristić-Vakanjac, Vesna  ; Vasić, Ljiljana  ; Kličković Milorad; Čokorilo, Marina 

Jovan Cvijić on scientific work   [2015]

Prnjat, Aleksandar B.  

Jovan Cvijićs research of the pleistocene glaciation in the Balkan peninsula   [2015]

Đurović, Predrag  ; Zorn Matija; Gachev Emil; Ferk Mateja

Ethical problems of biodiversity protection - a case study (✓)   [2015]

Milenković, Milan Đ.  ; Prnjat, Aleksandar B.  ; Ćurčić, Nina B.  

A contribution to Jovan Cvijić's consideration of the Visočica river source (✓)   [2015]

Nikić, Zoran; Dokmanović, Petar  ; Anđelić, Milena; Lekić, Milena

Reaffirmation of the population origin studies in Serbia in early 21st century   [2015]

Spasovski, Milena; Šantić, Danica  


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