

Semi-Automatic Mechanical Transport-Handling System for Production and Assembly Lines   [2017]

Vujanac, Rodoljub S.  ; M. Đorđević; Miloradović, Nenad A.  

Resolving a Laboratory Test Rig Belt Misalignment Issue   [2017]

Đorđević, Miloš  ; Zrnić, Nenad Đ.  ; Bošnjak, Srđan M.  

Analysis and algorithms for container loading-routing problem from China main ports to Balkan region concerning Belgrade as new hub   [2017]

Rajković, Radoslav Z. ; Zrnić, Nenad Đ.  ; B. Dragović; Đ. Stakić; BOJIĆ, SANjA P.  

Determination of rigidity of the radial-axial bearing undercarriage frame in hydraulic excavators (✓)   [2017]

Gašić, Milomir ; Savković, Mile  ; Marković, Goran  ; Zdravković, Nebojša B.  

A Review on Shuttle Based Storage and Retrieval Systems   [2017]

Kosanić, Nenad Ž.  ; Milojević, Goran Z.  ; Zrnić, Nenad Đ.  

Multi-objective optimization model for double-deep automated storage and retrieval systems   [2017]

M. Rajković; Zrnić, Nenad Đ.  ; Kosanić, Nenad Ž.  ; M. Borovinšek; T. Lerher

Warping torsion of non-uniform thin-walled open section at cantilever beams   [2017]

Gašić, Vlada M.  ; Ćoćić, Aleksandar S.  ; Anđelić, Nina M.  


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