

Splitting multidimensional necklaces   [2008]

de Longueville, Mark; Živaljević, Rade  

An Asplund space with norming Markusevic basis that is not weakly compactly generated   [2021]

Hajek, Petr; Russo, Tommaso; Somaglia, Jacopo; Todorcevic, Stevo

Nonseparable UHF algebras I: Dixmier's problem   [2010]

Farah, Ilijas ; Katsura, Takeshi

Souslin partitions of products of finite sets   [2003]

Di Prisco, Carlos Augusto; Todorčević, Stevo  

Positional graphs and conditional structure of weakly null sequences   [2013]

Lopez-Abad, Jordi; Todorčević, Stevo  

Copies of the random graph   [2017]

Kurilić, Miloš  ; Todorčević, Stevo  

Types in the n-adic tree and minimal analytic gaps   [2016]

Avilés, Antonio; Todorčević, Stevo  

Unconditional basic sequences in spaces of large density   [2011]

Dodos, Pandelis; Lopez-Abad, Jordi; Todorčević, Stevo  

A proof of the Khavinson conjecture in R^3 (✓)   [2019]

Melentijević, Petar  


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