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Li, Ruining; Fan, Yuxuan; Liu, Yaming; Antonijević, Đorđe  ; Li, Zhiyu; Đurić, Marija  ; Fan, Yifang

Appearance of hyperostosis frontalis interna in some osteoarcheological series from Hungary   [2009]

Hajdu, T; Fothi, E; Bernert, Zs; Molnar, Erika; Lovasz, Gabriella; Kovari, I; Kohler, K; Marcsik, Antonia

Body mass index in Serbian Roma (✓)   [2009]

Gallagher, Andrew; Čvorović, Jelena  ; Štrkalj, Goran 

Secular trend in growth and nutritional status in a sample of girls aged 7–9 years from Serbia   [2018]

Pavlica, T.M.  ; Rakić, Rada  ; Popović, B.K.  ; Puškaš, V.P.

Morphometric analysis of the sella turcica in subjects with different vertical growth patterns - a cephalometric study (✓)   [2021]

Perovic, Tatjana; Blazej, Zorica; Jovanovic, Ivan DI ; Cvetkovic, Marija S  

Radiological evaluation of Hyperostosis frontalis interna: is it of clinical importance? (✓)   [2020]

Bracanović, Đurđa  ; Đurić, Marija  ; Sopta, Jelena  ; Bracanović, Miloš; Đonić, Danijela  

A re-examination of the human fossil specimen from Bački Petrovac (Serbia)   [2014]

Radović, Predrag  ; Lindal, Joshua Allan; Roksandic, Mirjana


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