

Arabidopsis Histone Reader EMSY-LIKE 1 Binds H3K36 and Suppresses Geminivirus Infection.   [2018]

Coursey, Tami; Milutinović, Milica  ; Regedanz, Elizabeth; Brkljačić, Jelena  ; Bisaro, David M

Chikungunya virus overcomes polyamine depletion by mutation of nsP1 and the opal stop codon to confer enhanced replication and fitness   [2017]

Mounce, Bryan C.; Cesaro, Teresa; Vlajnić, Lea  ; Vidiņa, Anna; Vallet, Thomas; Weger-Lucarelli, James; Passoni, Gabriella; Stapleford, Kenneth A.; Levraud, Jean-Pierre; Vignuzzi, Marco


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