

Efficiency vs. flexibility in ATM: can pricing help? (✓)   [2015]

Jovanović, Radosav  ; Babić, Obrad ; Tošić, Vojin ; Miloš Živanović

Coordinated capacity and demand management in the European core area: Results of a large-scale COCTA case study (✓)   [2018]

Jovanović, Radosav  ; Ivanov, Nikola  ; Pavlović, Goran; Babić, Obrad ; Fichert, Frank; Strauss, Arne; Starita, Stefano

Coordinated capacity and demand management in a redesigned ATM value chain: Strategic network capacity planning under demand uncertainty (✓)   [2017]

Starita, Stefano; Strauss, Arne; Jovanović, Radosav  ; Ivanov, Nikola  ; Pavlović, Goran; Babić, Obrad ; Fichert, Frank

Maximizing ATM cost-efficiency by flexible provision of airspace capacity (✓)   [2016]

Jovanović, Radosav  ; Ivanov, Nikola  ; Arne Strauss; Stefano Starita; Frank Fichert


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