

Analysis of the Universal Thermal Climate Index during heat waves in Serbia (✓)   [2020]

Pecelj, Milica  ; Lukić, Milica  ; Filipović, Dejan  ; Protić, Branko  ; Bogdanović, Uroš

Recent trends in daily temperature extremes over southern Montenegro (1951-2010) (✓)   [2014]

Burić, Dragan  ; Luković, Jelena  ; Ducić, V.  ; Dragojlović, Jovan  ; Doderović, Miroslav

Precipitation extremes in the wettest Mediterranean region (Krivosije) and associated atmospheric circulation types (✓)   [2012]

Ducić, Vladan  ; Luković, Jelena  ; Burić, Dragan  ; Stanojević, Gorica  ; Mustafić, Sanja  

Torrential floods and town and country planning in Serbia (✓)   [2012]

Ristić, Ratko  ; Kostadinov, Stanimir ; Abolmasov, Biljana  ; Dragićević, Slavoljub  ; Trivan, Goran  ; Radić, Boris  ; Trifunović, M.; Radosavljević, Zoran

A meteo-hydrological modelling system for the reconstruction of river runoff: the case of the Ofanto river catchment   [2017]

Verri, Giorgia; Pinardi, Nadia; Gochis, David; Tribbia, Joseph; Navarra, Antonio; Coppini, Giovanni; Vukicevic, Tomislava  

Recent trends in daily rainfall extremes over Montenegro (1951-2010) (✓)   [2015]

Burić, Dragan  ; Luković, Jelena  ; Bajat, Branislav  ; Kilibarda, Milan  ; Živković, Nenad  


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