

Management of Calculus Anuria Using Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy as a First Line Treatment: Its Efficacy and Safety   [2014]

Savic, Slavisa C; Vukotic, Vinka D; Lazic, Miodrag; Savic, Natasa

Laser-puncture Versus Electrosurgery-incision of the Ureterocele in Neonatal Patients (✓)   [2018]

Ilić, Predrag N.; Janković, Mirjana S.; Miličković, Maja  ; Džambasanović, Slobodan; Kojović, Vladimir Lj.  

Impact of Voiding and Incontinence Symptoms on Health-Related Life Quality in Serbian Male Population   [2015]

Babić, Uroš  ; Bjegović-Mikanović, Vesna  ; Vuković, Dejana  ; Terzić-Šupić, Zorica  ; Santric-Milicevic M; Argirovic A; Kojic D; Stjepanovic M; Lazovic D

Successful Laparoscopic Removal of a Self-Inflicted Thermometer that Spontaneously Migrated into the Peritoneal Cavity   [2017]

BOGDANOVIĆ, JOVO R.  ; SEKULIĆ, VUK D.  ; T. Koković; S. Đozić; Dragan Vulin

Reconstruction of urethral strictures in patients with a long history of blind urethral dilatation (✓)   [2014]

Bašić, Dragoslav  ; Ignjatović, Ivan  ; Potić, Milan  ; Stojkovic Ivica ; Stankovic Jablan ; Dinic Ljubomir  


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