

The Realm of Smart Biomass Degrading Enzymes in Low-Carbon Fuels and Chemicals Production   [2024]

Mihajlovski, Katarina  ; Ilić, Nevena  ; Milić, Marija  

Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion (✓)   [2020]

Pavlovic, Tomislav ; Tsankov, Plamen Ts.; Cekić, Nikola Dj.; Radonjić Mitić, Ivana S.  

Modelling to Support the Planning of Sustainable Urban Water Systems (✓)   [2019]

Deletic, Ana; Zhang, Kefeng; Jamali, Behzad; Charette-Castonguay, Adam; Kuller, Martijn; Prodanovic, Veljko  ; Bach, Peter M.

Informal planning: Towards promoting resilient governance in Greece (✓)   [2018]

Papamichail, Theodora; Perić, Ana  

Lighting up the Landmarks with Information About the Environment   [2017]

Brković, Matija  ; Sretović-Brković, Višnja 

Assessing Uncertainty of a Biofilter Micropollutant Transport Model MPiRe   [2019]

Randjelovic, Anja; Zhang, Kefeng; McCarthy, David T; Deletic, Ana


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