

Market Segmentation in the Film Industry Based on Genre Preference: The Case of Millennials (✓)   [2022]

Dejana Nikolic  ; Milica Kostic-Stankovic  ; Veljko Jeremic  

The Role of Management Teams in Business Success: Evidence from Serbia (✓)   [2017]

Zubanov, Violeta  ; Katić, Ivana  ; Grubić-Nešić, Leposava ; Berber, Nemanja  

Employer Brand and Business Performance: The Role of Intellectual Capital (✓)   [2024]

Slavković, Marko  ; Ognjanović, Jasmina  

Exploring the Effects of the Procedural Justice of Downsizing on Survivors' Behaviour   [2023]

Komazec, Stefan  ; Maričić, Milica  ; Đurić, Mladen  

Investment Environment Problem Analysis and Evaluation: an Ex Post Empirical Analysis and Performance Implications (✓)   [2019]

Đaković, Vladimir  ; Anđelić, Goran  ; Petković, Aleksandar D.

The Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Reputation in Serbia (✓)   [2022]

Berber, Nemanja  ; Aleksić, Marko  ; Slavić, Agneš  ; Strugar, Jelača Maja  

Methodology for Strategic Posture Determination of SMEs (✓)   [2019]

Borocki, Jelena  ; Radišić, Mladen  ; Sroka, Włodzimierz; Greblikaite, Jolita; Androniceanu, Armenia

The use of conjoint and cluster analysis for preference-based market segmentation (✓)   [2013]

Đokić, Nenad  ; Salai, Suzana; Kovač Žnideršić, Ružica; Đokić, Ines  ; Tomić, Gordana


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