Research outputs
Trend analysis of temperature, pretipitation and river discharge in the Rasina river basin, Serbia
Stričević, Ljiljana 

Remote sensing and forest conservation: comparing NDVI and CORINE CLC as tools for improving national forest inventory updates and preventing illegal logging in Serbia [2024]
Milanović, Miško M.

Contemporary geopolitical and demographic processes in the Raška region and their impact on regional development [2024]
Pavlović, Mila

Comparative didactic and methodological analysis of the geography program for elementary school in Serbia and North Macedonia [2024]
Marković, Mina; Đorđević, Ivana

Developing students' critical thinking through project tasks in geography lessons
Đorđević, Ivana 

The analysis of the ethnic diversity changes in North Macedonia [2024]
Trnavčević, Nevena

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