

Geometry of anamorphoses with more significations   [2012]

Paunović, Marijana  

Geometrical and arithmetical analysis of architectonic form on the example of a church building   [2012]

Vasov, Miomir  ; Bogdanović, Veliborka ; Ranđelović, Dušan  

Contribution to the Geometrical Analysis of Complex Space Structures   [2012]

Nestorović, Miodrag ; Čučaković, Aleksandar ; Jović, Biljana  

The form-force relation in membrane structures   [2012]

Milošević, Vuk S.  ; Nikolić, Vojislav D.  

Practice in Applying Fine Arts Subjects at Computer Graphic – Engineering Animation Studies   [2012]

M Vujanović; JANEV, JELENA  ; I Kekeljević; A Perišić; A Novaković

Usage Of Modern Graphical 3d Presentations In Development Of Technical Systems   [2012]

Popkonstantinović, Branislav  ; Jeli Z.  ; Komatina M.  ; Regodić M.  

Geometric composition of facades of urban landmarks in Novi Sad related to the perception`s space   [2012]

Bandić, Aleksandra  ; Krklješ, Milena  ; Vladimir Kubet

One method for graphical representation of implicitly given surface   [2012]

BANjAC, BOJAN  ; Malešević, Branko  

Visualizing Multidimensional Data in 3D Space using LiveGraphics 3D   [2012]

Dragan, Dinu  ; Ivetić, Dragan  


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