Comparation of the effects of losartan treatment supplemented with synthetic or natural antoixidants on the progression of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in hypertensive rats
Karanović, Danijela 

Neural cell adhesion molecule and Aquaporin 1 expression and role in cell migration in renal cell carcinoma (RCC)
Ćirović, Sanja 

Hyperbaric oxygen precondtioning increases heme oxygenase-1 and anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein tissue expression in spontaneously hypertensive rats with induced postischemic acute kidney injury
Nešović-Ostojić, Jelena 

The importance of functional CVS tests in the assessment and treatment of patients with Covid-19 and cardiovascular complications
Dekleva Manojlović, Milica 

Possible approaches and perspectives of chronic kidney diseases treatments - new insights into molecular background of renal fibrosis
Životić, Maja 

The significance of predictors in cardiac injury among patients with Covid-19 infection
Marković-Nikolić, Nataša 

Angiotensin 2 and oxidative stress modulate nitric oxide production in the kidney of hypertensive rats with early stage of adriamycin nephropathy
Miloradović, Zoran Z. 

Effects of apocynin treatment and hyperbaric oxygen precontidioning on 4-HNE tissue expression in experimental model of ischemic acute kidney injury in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Kovačević, Sanjin 

Peculiarities of autonomic nervous system dysfunction in patients with Covid-19
Milovanović, Branislav 

Association of redox biomarkers with multiorgan impairment findings in Covid-19
Simić, Tatjana 

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