Treatment of skeletal Class II malocclusion using Twin block appliance - case report
Marinkovic, Nemanja 

Factors associated with maxillary canine impaction and treatment duration
Vasovic, Dina 

Success of Endodontic Therapy of the Central Maxillary Incisor Internal Resorption – 3 Years Follow Up [2024]
Jovanović, Slobodan

The Effect of Orthophosphoric Acid Etching on Strength of Universal Adhesive Bond with Dentin of Primary and Permanent Teeth [2024]
Stašić, Jovana

Dental Education and Distance Learning in the Post-Pandemic Era [2024]
Kuzmanović-Pfićer, Jovana

Occlusal Scheme Choices in Implant - Prosthetic Dentistry
Đurović Koprivica, Daniela 

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