Research outputs
Presence of the esp gene in Enterococcus faecium derived from oropharyngeal microbiota of haematology patients
Jovanović, Milica 

N-Acetyl-L-cysteine enhances ex-vivo amplification of deciduous teeth dental pulp stem cells [2016]
Debeljak-Martačić, Jasmina

Morphological and biomechanical features of the temporomandibular joint disc: an overview of recent findings.
Stanković, Saša 

Growth hormone positive effects on craniofacial complex in Turner syndrome [2016]
Juloski, Jovana

The association of tumor necrosis factor alpha, lymphotoxin alpha, tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 and tumor necrosis factor receptor 2 gene polymorphisms and serum levels with periodontitis and type 2 diabetes in Serbian population
Matić Petrović, Sanja 

Enamel incremental markings in the deciduous teeth of children from the Early Bronze and modern ages
Šipovac, Milica 

Mandibular lateral deviation induces alteration in vascular endothelial growth factor expression and oxidative stress/nitric oxide generation in rat condyle, synovial membrane and masseter muscle
Stojić, Vanja 

Antimicrobial potential of irrigants based on essential oils of Cymbopogon martinii and Thymus zygis towards in vitro multispecies biofilm cultured in ex vivo root canals. [2020]
Marinković, Jelena

Association of CXCL12 gene promoter methylation with periodontitis in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 [2016]
Grdović, Nevena

Development and validation of mathematical models for testing antifungal activity of different essential oils against Candida species
Perić, Mirjana 

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