

LHC jet suppression of light and heavy flavor observables   [2014]

Đorđević, Magdalena  ; Đorđević, Marko  

Constraining interactions mediated by axion-like particles with ultracold neutrons   [2015]

Afach, S.; Ban, G.; Bison, G.; Bodek, K.; Burghoff, M.; Daum, M.; Fertl, M.; Franke, B.; Grujić, Zoran  ; Hélaine, V.;
Kasprzak, M.; Kermaïdic, Y.; Kirch, K.; Knowles, P.; Koch, H.-C.; Komposch, S.; Kozela, A.; Krempel, J.; Lauss, B.; Lefort, T.; Lemière, Y.; Mtchedlishvili, A.; Naviliat-Cuncic, O.; Piegsa, F.M.; Pignol, G.; Prashanth, P.N.; Quéméner, G.; Rebreyend, D.; Ries, D.; Roccia, S.; Schmidt-Wellenburg, P.; Schnabel, A.; Severijns, N.; Voigt, J.; Weis, A.; Wyszynski, G.; Zejma, J.; Zenner, J.; Zsigmond, G.;

Measurement of the associated production of a Higgs boson decaying into b-quarks with a vector boson at high transverse momentum in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector   [2021]

Aaboud, M; ...; Adachi, S; ...; Bogavac, Danijela; ...; Dimitrievska, A  ; ...; Krstic, Jelena M ; ...;
Mamuzic, Judita ; ...; Marjanovic, M ; ...; Sijacki, Djordje ; ...; Vranjes, Nenad S  ; Vranjes-Milosavljevic, Marija  ; ...; Zivkovic, L  ; ...; (broj, koautora 2926);

Search for high-mass new phenomena in the dilepton final state using proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector   [2016]

Aaboud, M; ...; Agatonovic-Jovin, Tatjana  ; ...; Bogavac, Danijela; ...; Bokan, P; ...; Dimitrievska, A  ; ...;
Krstic, Jelena M ; ...; Mamuzic, Judita ; ...; Marjanovic, M ; ...; Popovic, Dragan S; ...; Sijacki, Djordje ; ...; Simic, Ljiljana; ...; Vranjes, Nenad S  ; Vranjes-Milosavljevic, Marija  ; ...; Zivkovic, Lidija M  ; ...; (broj, koautora 2862);

Search for an invisibly decaying Higgs boson or dark matter candidates produced in association with a Z boson in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector   [2018]

Aaboud, M; ...; Agatonovic-Jovin, Tatjana  ; ...; Bogavac, Danijela; ...; Dimitrievska, A  ; ...; Krstic, Jelena M ; ...;
Mamuzic, Judita ; ...; Marjanovic, M ; ...; Sijacki, Djordje ; ...; Vranjes, Nenad S  ; Vranjes-Milosavljevic, Marija  ; ...; Zivkovic, L  ; ...; (broj, koautora 2896);

Measurement of the top quark mass in the t(t)over-bar -> dilepton channel from root s=8TeVATLAS data   [2016]

Aaboud, M; ...; Agatonovic-Jovin, Tatjana  ; ...; Bogavac, Danijela; ...; Bokan, P; ...; Dimitrievska, A  ; ...;
Krstic, Jelena M ; ...; Mamuzic, Judita ; ...; Marjanovic, M ; ...; Popovic, Dragan S; ...; Sijacki, Djordje ; ...; Simic, Ljiljana; ...; Vranjes, Nenad S  ; Vranjes-Milosavljevic, Marija  ; ...; Zivkovic, Lidija M  ; ...; (broj, koautora 2857);


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