
Research outputs

First report of Botryosphaeria dothidea causing postharvest rot of quince fruits in Serbia   [2023]

Vučković, Nina  ; Vico, Ivana  ; Duduk, Nataša  

Fungi in the apple sooty blotch and flyspeck complex from Serbia and Montenegro   [2010]

Ivanović, Milan  ; Ivanović, M.S.  ; Batzer, Jean C.; Tatalović, N.; Oertel, B.; Latinović, J.; Latinović, N.; Gleason, Mark L.

Detection and identification methods and new tests as developed and used in the framework of COST873 for bacteria pathogenic to stone fruits and nuts: Xanthomonas arboricola pv. corylina   [2012]

Prokić, Anđelka  ; Gašić, Katarina  ; Ivanović, Milan  ; Kuzmanović, Nemanja ; Šević, Milan  ; Pulawska, J.; Obradović, Aleksa  

Corn reddening: The disease and breeding for resistance   [2007]

Bekavac, Goran  ; Purar, Božana  ; Jocković, Đorđe

Identification and genetic characterisation of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris as an oilseed rape pathogen in serbia   [2014]

Popović, Tatjana  ; Balaž, Jelica; Ignjatov, Maja  ; Mitrović, Petar  ; Gavrilović, Veljko; Jošić, Dragana

First report of blueberry red ringspot virus in highbush blueberry in Serbia   [2014]

Jevremović, Darko  ; Leposavić, Aleksandar  ; Paunović, Svetlana 

Etiology of bacterial canker on young sweet cherry trees in Serbia   [2016]

Balaž, Jelica; Ilicić, Renata  ; Ognjanov, Vladislav  ; Ivanović, Žarko  ; Popović, Tatjana  

Evaluation of different pcr primers for identification of tumorigenic bacteria associated with grapevine crown gall   [2016]

Kuzmanović, Nemanja ; Biondi, E.; Ivanović, Milan  ; Prokić, Andjelka  ; Zlatković, Nevena  ; Bertaccini, Assunta; Obradović, Aleksa  

Molecular characterization of Erwinia amylovora strains originated from pome fruits and indigenous plant in Montenegro   [2017]

Radunović, Dragana; Gavrilović, Veljko  ; Gašić, Katarina  ; Paunović, M.; Stojšin, Vera  ; Grahovac, M.  

First report of persimmon cryptic virus in persimmon in North Macedonia   [2019]

Jevremović, Darko  ; Paunović, Svetlana 


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