Simple and efficient one-pot solvent-free synthesis of N-methyl imines of aromatic aldehydes
Radulović, Niko 

A detailed UV-Vis spectral investigation of six azo dyes derived from benzoic- and cinnamic acids: experimental and theoretical insight
Matović, Luka 

QSAR of the free radical scavenging potency of selected hydroxybenzoic acids and simple phenolics [2015]
Filipović, Miloš; Marković, Zoran

Surface functionalization of oxidized multi-walled carbon nanotubes: Candida rugosa lipase immobilization [2016]
Prlainović, Nevena

The importance of specific solvent–solute interactions for studying UV–vis spectra of light-responsive molecular switches [2018]
Dimić, Dušan

Novel 1,3,4-thiadiazole conjugates derived from protocatechuic acid: Synthesis, antioxidant activity, and computational and electrochemical studies
Jakovljević, Katarina 

An investigation of tebuconazole degradation using a gold electrode
Lović, Jelena 

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