Pacing of women and men in half-marathon and marathon races [2019]
Nikolaidis, Pantelis T.; Ćuk, Ivan

Isolated Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis of the Sciatic Nerve: A Case Report and Overview of the Literature
Zamurović, Milena; Tomic, Ana 

Can MDCT Enhancement Patterns Be Helpful in Differentiating Secretory from Non-Functional Adrenal Adenoma?
Kocic, Svetlana; Vukomanovic, Vladimir 

Running Variability in Marathon—Evaluation of the Pacing Variables
Cuk, Ivan 

Exploring the Connection between Migraines and Pregnancy: The Impact of Physical Activity on Symptom Management
Lacković, Milan 

Joint Group and Multi Institutional Position Opinion: Cirrhotic Cardiomyopathy—From Fundamentals to Applied Tactics
Rankovic, Ivan; Babic, Ivana; Martinov Nestorov, Jelena; Bogdanovic, Jelena; Stojanovic, Maja 

The Prediction of IVF Outcomes with Autologous Oocytes and the Optimal MII Oocytes and the Optimal MII Oocyte/Embryo Number for Live Birth at Advanced maternal Age [2023]
Havrljenko Jelena; Kopitović Vesna; Trninić-Pjević Aleksandra; Milatovic Stevan; Pavlica Tatjana

Acute Effects of Short-Term Massage Procedures on Neuromechanical Contractile Properties of Rectus Femoris Muscle
Dakić, Miloš 

Differences in Angular Photogrammetric Soft-Tissue Facial Characteristics among Parents and Their Offspring
Filipović, Gordana 

Knowledge about Cervical Cancer and Awareness of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and HPV Vaccine among Female Students from Serbia
Rančić, Nataša K. 

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