Ion irradiation induced solid-state amorphous reaction in Ni/Ti multilayers [2013]
Milosavljević, Momir

Microstructure and wettability of root canal dentine and root canal filling materials after different chemical irrigation [2015]
Antonijević, Đorđe

Novel method for synthesis of silver nanoparticles and their application on wool [2015]
Boroumand, Majid Nasiri; Montazer, Majid; Simon, Frank; Liesiene, Jolanta; Šaponjić, Zoran

Single- and dual-wavelength laser pulses induced modification in 10x(Al/Ti)/Si multilayer system [2016]
Salatić, Branislav

Effect of annealing conditions on structural and luminescencent properties of Eu3+-doped Gd2Ti2O7 thin films [2016]
Antić, Željka

Magnetic properties of novel superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoclusters and their peculiarity under annealing treatment [2014]
Tadić, Marin

Laser sintering of Cu-Zr-ZrB2 composite [2014]
Stašić, Jelena M.

Observation of a two-dimensional electron gas at CaTiO3 film surfaces [2018]
Muff, Steffan; Fanciulli, Mauro; Weber, Andrew P.; Pilet, Nicolas; Ristić, Zoran

Improving the photocatalytic properties of anatase TiO2(101) surface by co-doping with Cu and N: Ab initio study [2017]
Koteski, Vasil J.

Surface nanopatterning of Al/Ti multilayer thin films and Al single layer by a low-fluence UV femtosecond laser beam [2015]
Kovacevic, Aleksander G.

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