

On the Role of Circular Sections of Quadric Surfaces. The Elaboration of the Topic by Two Creative Geometric Student's Tasks (✓)   [2014]

Aleksandar Čučaković  ; Magdalena Dragović  ; Luka Lazarević  ; Nedeljković, Đorđe  

On the role of circular sections of quadric surfaces   [2014]

Čučaković, Aleksandar  ; Dragović, Magdalena  ; Lazarević, Luka  ; Nedeljković, Đorđe  

Application of Curves and Surfaces of Higher Orders Obtained by Inversion in the Practice of Architecture (✓)   [2014]

Đukanovic, Gordana  ; Đorđević, Đorđe  ; Obradović, Marija  ; Mišić, Slobodan  

Descriptive Geometry Education by Using Multimedia Tools   [2014]

Čučaković, Aleksandar  ; Teofilović, N.  ; Jović, Biljana  


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