

Investigating local demographic fluctuations during the Mesolithic and the Neolithic in the Danube Gorges - a review of radiocarbon, skeletal and settlement evidence (✓)   [2014]

Porčić, Marko  ; de Becdelièvre, Camille; Le Roy, Mélie; Jovanović, Jelena  ; Stefanović, Sofija  ; Thomas, Mark; Shennan, Stephen  ; Timpson, Adrian

Exploitation and Sustainability of Wild Plant Resources: An Archaeobotanical Perspective from the Territory of Sagalassos, NW Anatolia   [2014]

E. Marinova; Filipović, Dragana  ; E. Jansen; B. Muys; W. van Neer; J. Poblome

The Earliest Metallurgy in Eurasia: New Results from the Vinča Culture Sites in Serbia (✓)   [2014]

Radivojević, M.; Roberts, B.; Rehren, T.; Kuzmanović-Cvetković, J.; Derikonjić, S.; Marić, Miroslav  ; Thomas, P.; Schapals, F.; Pendić, Jugoslav  ; Stöllner, T.;
Rassman, K.; Mertl, P.; Radloff, K.; Jablanović, A.; Mirković-Marić, N.; Amicone, S.; Filipović, Dragana  ; Orton, D.; Ibragimova, E.;

Different times call for different ovens   [2014]

Đuričić, Ana  


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