

Thermal properties of polyurethanes based on Renewable polyol component (✓)   [2016]

Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava K. ; Bjelović, Zoran; Erceg, Tamara D.  ; Tanasić, Ljiljana M.; Pavličević, Jelena M.  ; Aleksić, Vojislav; Mićić, Vladan


Komadinić, Velimir ; Manasijević, Srećko  ; Radiša, Radomir  

Techno-Economic Aspects of the Treatment of Wastewater Incurred Dyeing Textiles   [2016]

Urošević, Snežana  ; Šmelcerović, Miodrag; Đorđević, Dragan  

The water temperature trends of the Sava river in Serbia (✓)   [2016]

Milenković, Milan Đ.  ; Babić, Violeta  ; Ducić, Vladan D.  ; Krstić, Milun R. ; Lazić, Božidar

The influence of tetrazole compounds on the corrosion behavior of copper in 0.05M NaCl solution   [2017]

Simonović, Ana T.  ; Tasić, Žaklina Z.  ; Petrović Mihajlović, Marija B.  ; Radovanović, Milan B.  ; Milić, Snežana M.  ; Antonijević, Milan M.  

Activity levels of 137Cs and 40K in moss from NP Djerdap in 2015   [2016]

Čučulović, Ana  ; Čučulović, Rodoljub; Nestorović S; Veselinović D

Contribution to pharmacy management system unusable drugs the Republic Serbia   [2016]

N. Bukumirić; Božić, Aleksandra R.  ; V. Alivojvodić; Stamenović, Marina R.; Đarmati, Šimon A.

Providing food security having in mind one risk more-plant pest and diseases (✓)   [2016]

Radović, Vesela  ; Krnjajić, Slobodan B.  ; Božo Ilić


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