

Formaldehyde emission standards for wood-based panels and testing capacities in Serbia   [2018]

Điporović-Momčilović, Milanka R.  ; Popović, Mlađan M.  ; Gavrilović-Grmuša, Ivana M.  ; Jasmina Popović  ; Ahmad Hakky Mohamad

Actual state at the EU-28 market of clothes hangers of wood (✓)   [2018]

Petrović, Slavica  ; Jelačić, Denis; Bego, Margarita

Proceeding of Scientific Papers   [2018]

Glavonjić, Branko

Balkans timber market amid conditions of the increasing chinese impact   [2018]

Glavonjić, Branko D.  ; Lazarević, Aleksandra V.  

Application of the bar-code technology in a system of production management: case study of Serbian producer of wood-based panel furniture   [2018]

Glavonjić, Branko D.  ; Lečić-Cvetković, Danica M.  ; Lazarević, Aleksandra V.  

Value chain analyses in upholstered chair production: a case study of a selected manufacturer in Serbia   [2018]

Glavonjić, Branko D.  ; Lazarević, Aleksandra V.  


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