

Overview of the Distribution Test Grids With Distributed Generation and HVDC (✓)   [2017]

Stanisavljevic, Aleksandar  ; Katic, Vladimir ; Dumnic, Boris  ; Popadic, Bane  

Software application in dangerous chemical accidents management (✓)   [2017]

Rutić, Srđan; Nikolić, Vesna M.  ; Janaćković, Goran  ; Inđić, D.

VHF Gysel 3 dB Power Divider/Combiner   [2017]

Crnadak, Veljko G.; Tasić, Siniša A. 

General Character Segmentation Approach for Machine- Typed Documents   [2017]

Vučković, Vladan V.  ; B. Arizanović

Outage probability of EGC receiver in TWDP channel   [2017]

Milošević, Nenad D.  ; Spalević, Petar Lj.  ; Dimitrijević, Bojan R.  ; Nikolić, Zorica B.  

A systematic method to determine customised FES cycling patterns and assess their efficiency   [2017]

Popović Maneski, Lana Z.  ; A. Metani; F. Le Jeune; V. Bergeron

Arduino and Raspberry Pi Based Solution for Electrical Machines Data Acquisition System   [2017]

Filipović, Filip R.  ; Petronijević, Milutin P.  ; Mitrović, Nebojša N.  ; Banković, Bojan G.  

Worst Case Start-up Estimation of the Half Wave Capacitive Divider Power Supply   [2017]

Rajović, Vladimir M.  ; Jovičić, Nenad S.  ; Lekić, Aleksandra D. 


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