

The role of industrial heritage meanings in adaptive reuse: case study Banjaluka (✓)   [2018]

Djukić, Aleksandra  ; Špirić, Ana; Antonić, Branislav  

Adaptive reuse in the function of cultural heritage revitalization (✓)   [2018]

Lecic, Nikola; Vasilevska, Ljiljana M.  

Managing Built Heritage of Military Barracks-a Reality of Commercially-led Urban Redevelopment (✓)   [2018]

Jevremović, Ljiljana Lj.  ; Stanojević, Ana D.  ; Đorđević, Isidora  ; Turnšek, Branko A.  

Historical Flow of Building Materials as a Parameter for Determination of Cultural Landscape (✓)   [2018]

Nikolić, Emilija V.  ; Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana Z. ; Radivojević, Ana P.  


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