

eMIS Energy Monitoring System as a Means of Increasing Energy Efficiency in Buildings   [2016]

Šereš, Laslo L.  ; K. Bogataj; Bošnjak, Saša D.  ; Grljević, Olivera B.  

Use of ABC in Paper Recycling Firm   [2016]

Medved, Ivana  ; Milutinović, Sunčica  

Blade Shape of Wind Turbine in the Study of Optimal Material Consumption   [2016]

Kirin, Snežana  ; Slađana Mirjanić; Dušan Ješić; Dušan Golubović

Reducing the external costs caused by associated petroleum gas flaring in Serbia   [2016]

Kiš, Ferenc  ; Vuk Rajović; Maravić, Nikola  ; Petkovič, Đerđi 

Design and Simulation of a Solar Dish Concentrator with Spiral-Coil Smooth Thermal Absorber (✓)   [2016]

Pavlović, Saša  ; Stefanović, Velimir  ; Evangelos A. Bellos


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