

Towards sustainable organization - measuring environmental performance indicators   [2012]

Ćirović, Marko  ; Petrović N  ; Slović D  

Information systems in education   [2012]

Dejan Sredojević; MARČIĆEVIĆ, ŽELjKO; Boban Vesin  

Interrelationships of changes in organizational structure and technology   [2012]

Todorović, Ivan  ; Čudanov, Mladen  ; Komazec, Stefan  

Management of technological development   [2012]

Rakićević, Jovana  ; Jovanović, Milica  ; Petković, Jasna  ; M. Levi Jakšić 

Implementation of Public-Private Partnership Concept in Infrastrucutre Financing in Serbia   [2012]

Benković, Slađana  ; Žarkić-Joksimović, Nevenka  

Good practices in higher education for sustainable development   [2012]

Petrović, Nataša  ; Vuk D; Drakulić, Mirjana ; Senegačnik M; Drakulić R; Ćirović, Marko  

Dynamic discrete spreadsheet EOQ model for educational purposes   [2012]

Đorđević, Lena  ; Antić, Slobodan  ; Konstantin Kostić

Information systems for planning of company`s business and financing   [2012]

Bjelica, Dragan  ; Miloš Milosavljević  ; Veljko Dmitrović  ; Marko Jovanović; Nataša Petrović  

Exploratory forecasting approach and objectives matrix in the area of banking services   [2012]

Petković, Jasna  ; M. Levi Jakšić ; Jelena Krstić


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