

Tobacco in Macedonia in the XXTH and the beginning of XXI century   [2010]

Živković, Dragić ; Peševski Mile; Ralević Nebojša; Jelić Sreten; Filiposki Blaže

Tutunot vo Makedonija vo XX i počekotok na XXI vek   [2010]

Ralević, Nebojša ; Pesevski M.; Živković D.; Jelić S.; Filipski B.

Production possibilities and export perspectives of potato in the Republic of Serbia   [2010]

Puškarić, Anton  ; Cvijanović, Gorica  ; Cvijanović, Drago  

Fruit-growing production capacity of European Union member states   [2010]

Kalanović-Bulatović, Branka  ; Bojan Dimitrijević  

Evaluation of future movements in production of potato and vegetables on the city of Belgrade area   [2010]

Cvijanović, Gorica  ; Cvijanović Drago  ; Subić Jonel  

Tendencies in change of production of certain fruit species in Serbia   [2010]

Popović, Blaženka  ; Maletić, Radojka  ; Janković Šoja, Svjetlana  

Evaluation of future movements in production of potato and vegetables on the city of Belgrade area   [2010]

Subić, Jonel  ; Cvijanović, Gorica  ; Cvijanović, Drago  

Agrarian policy reform of the west Balkans countries in the process of European integration   [2010]

M. Gajić; Zekić, Stanislav  ; Lovre, Koviljko 


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