

Non-oxidative band-3 clustering agents cause the externalization of phosphatidylserine on erythrocyte surfaces by a calcium-independent mechanism (✓)   [2020]

Koshkaryev, Alexander; Livshits, Leonid; Pajić-Lijaković, Ivana  ; Gural, Alexander; Barshtein, Gregory; Yedgar, Saul

Structure and function of PspA and Vipp1 N-terminal peptides: Insights into the membrane stress sensing and mitigation   [2017]

McDonald, Christopher; Jovanović, Goran  ; Wallace, B. A.; Ces, Oscar; Buck, Martin

Interactions of Pannexin1 channels with purinergic and NMDA receptor channels   [2018]

Bjelobaba, Ivana  ; Li, Shuo; Stojilković, Stanko S.

Guanylate Cyclase-Activating Protein-2 Undergoes Structural Changes upon Binding to Detergent Micelles and Bicelles (✓)   [2014]

Margetić, Aleksandra  ; Nannemann, David; Meiler, Jens; Huster, Daniel; Theisgen, Stephan

Laurdan and di-4-ANEPPDHQ do not respond to membrane-inserted peptides and are good probes for lipid packing   [2011]

Dinić, Jelena  ; Biverståhl, Henrik; Mäler, Lena; Parmryd, Ingela


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