

Global review of some Anthroleucosomatidae (Diplopoda : Chordeumatida) with description of a new millipede genus from the Balkan Peninsula   [2007]

Curcic, Bozidar PM; Makarov, Slobodan E; Tomic, Vladimir T  ; Mitic, Bojan M  

Osbornellus auronitens (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae), an introduced species new for the Palaearctic region (✓)   [2017]

Trivellone, Valeria; Mitrović, Milana  ; Dietrich, Christopher H.; Toševski, Ivo  

Resolving the taxonomy of the Merodon dobrogensis species subgroup (Diptera: Syrphidae), with the description of a new species (✓)   [2020]

Šašić-Zorić, Ljiljana  ; Ačanski, Jelena  ; Vujić, Ante  ; Ståhls, Gunilla; Đan, Mihajla  ; Radenković, Snežana  

Phylogenetic relationships between the genera Aphidius and Lysaphidus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) with description of Aphidius iranicus sp. nov   [2007]

Tomanović, Željko  ; Rakhshani, Ehsan; Starý, Petr; Kavallieratos, Nickolas G.; Stanisavljević, Ljubiša  ; Žikić, Vladimir  ; Athanassiou, Christos G.

Aphid parasitoids infesting cotton, citrus, tobacco, and cereal crops in southeastern Europe: aphid-plant associations and keys   [2005]

Kavallieratos, Nickolas G; Tomanovic, Zeljko M; Athanassiou, Christos G; Stary, Petr; Zikic, Vladimir  ; Sarlis, George P; Fasseas, C

The genus Xanthogramma Schiner, 1861 (Diptera: Syrphidae) in southeastern Europe, with descriptions of two new species (✓)   [2018]

Nedeljković, Zorica ; Ricarte, Antonio; Šašić-Zorić, Ljiljana  ; Đan, Mihajla  ; Obreht-Vidaković, Dragana ; Vujić, Ante  

Aphid parasitoids infesting cotton, citrus, tobacco, and cereal crops in southeastern Europe: aphid-plant associations and keys   [2012]

Kavallieratos, Nickolas G.; Tomanović, Željko  ; Athanassiou, Christos G.; Starý, Petr; Žikić, Vladimir; Sarlis, George P.; Fasseas, Constantin


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