

Postnatal changes in the distribution and density of neuronal nuclei and doublecortin antigens in domestic chicks (Gallus domesticus)   [2012]

Mezey, Szilvia; Krivokuca, Dragan D; Balint, Eszter; Adorjan, Andras; Zachar, Gergely; Csillag, Andras

Close Homologue of Adhesion Molecule L1 Promotes Survival of Purkinje and Granule Cells and Granule Cell Migration During Murine Cerebellar Development   [2009]

Jakovcevski, Igor ; Siering, Janina; Hargus, Gunnar; Karl, Nicole; Hoelters, Laura; Djogo, Nevena; Yin, Shengming; Zecevic, Nada; Schachner, Melitta; Irintchev, Andrey

The α1, α2, α3, and γ2 subunits of GABAA receptors show characteristic spatial and temporal expression patterns in rhombencephalic structures during normal human brain development   [2015]

Stojanovic, Tamara; Čapo, Ivan  ; Aronica, Eleonora; Adle-Biassette, Homa; Höger, Harald; Sieghart, Werner; Kovacs, Gabor G.; Milenkovic, Ivan


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