

The Middle and Late Pleniglacial (Weichselian) malacofauna of the Zemun loess–paleosol sequence, Serbia (✓)   [2020]

Gavrilović, Bojan  ; Sümegi, Pál; Ćirić, Miloš  ; Radaković, Milica G.  ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B.; Mlađan, Dragan  ; Marković, Slobodan B.  

The Pleistocene subterranean voles Terricola (Rodentia) of Serbia and Montenegro   [2001]

Brunet-Lecomte, Patrick; Montuire, Sophie; Dimitrijević, Vesna  

Fish-otoliths from the marine-brackish water transition from the Middle Miocene of the Belgrade area, Serbia   [2015]

Schwarzhans, Werner; Bradić, Katarina; Rundić, Ljupko  


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