

Cold Tolerance of a Larval Tipulid from an Upland Habitat   [1993]

Block W.; Grubor-Lajsic Gordana; Worland R.

Antioxdant enzymes in the antarctic fly, Belgica antarctica   [1996]

Grubor-Lajsic Gordana; Block W.; Jovanovic A.; Worland R.

Cold Hardiness Parametars of overwintering Diapause larvae of Ostrinia nubilalis in Vojvodina   [1991]

Grubor-Lajsic Gordana; Block W.; Palanacki V.; Glumac S.

Seasonal variations of cytosolic antioxidant enzyme activities in the liver and white muscle of thinlip gray mullet (Liza ramada Risso) from the adriatic sea   [2004]

Pavlović, Slađan  ; Belić, Dragana; Blagojević, Duško  ; Radojičić, Ratko M.; Žikić, Radoslav V.; Saičić, Zorica ; Grubor-Lajšić, Gordana; Spasić, Mihajlo 


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