

Conservation and herding co-benefit from traditional extensive wetland grazing   [2020]

Biro, Marianna; Molnar, Zsolt; Ollerer, Kinga; Lengyel, Attila; Ulicsni, Viktor; Szabados, Klara L; Kis, Alen M; Peric, Ranko D; Demeter, Laszlo; Babai, Daniel

Differences in arthropod communities between grazed areas and grazing exclosures depend on arthropod groups and vegetation types   [2023]

Torma, Attila; Revesz, Kitti; Galle-Szpisjak, Nikolett; Seat, Jelena; Szel, Gyozo; Kutasi, Csaba; Malenovsky, Igor; Batary, Peter; Galle, Robert

Landscape composition and configuration influence cereal aphid-parasitoid-hyperparasitoid interactions and biological control differentially across years   [2014]

Plecas, M.  ; Gagić, V.; Janković, M. ; Petrović-Obradović, Olivera  ; Kavallieratos, Nickolas G.; Tomanović, Željko  ; Thies, C.; Tscharntke, T.; Cetković, A.  

Effects of free-ranging cattle and landscape complexity on bat foraging: Implications for bat conservation and livestock management   [2017]

Ancillotto, Leonardo; Ariano, Alessandro; Nardone, Valentina; Budinski, Ivana  ; Rydell, Jens; Russo, Danilo


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