

Intraband absorption in InAs/GaAs quantum dot infrared photodetectors - effective mass versus k x p modelling   [2006]

N. Vukmirović  ; Ž. Gačević; Z. Ikonić; D. Indjin; P. Harrison; V. Milanović

Tight-binding and k·p models for the electronic structure of Ga(In)NAs and related alloys (✓)   [2002]

O Reilly, E P; Lindsay, A; Tomić, Stanko  ; Kamal-Saadi, M

Negative bias temperature instability in p-channel power VDMOSFETs: recoverable versus permanent degradation (✓)   [2015]

Danković, Danijel  ; Manić, Ivica  ; Prijić, Aneta  ; Đorić-Veljković, Snežana  ; Davidović, Vojkan  ; Stojadinović, Ninoslav ; Prijić, Zoran  ; Golubović, Snežana  

Time-dependent dielectric breakdown in pure and lightly Al-doped Ta2O5 stacks   [2013]

Elena Atanassova; Stojadinović, Ninoslav ; Dencho Spassov; Manić, Ivica  ; Albena Paskaleva

The role of electron-electron scattering in gain modulation of a mid-infrared quantum cascade laser in strong magnetic field   [2012]

Timotijević, Dragan; Radovanović, Jelena  ; Milanović, Vitomir  

Field-dependent superradiant quantum phase transition of molecular magnets in microwave cavities   [2016]

Stepanenko, Dimitrije  ; Trif, Mircea; Tsyplyatyev, Oleksandr; Loss, Daniel

Interband transitions of quantum wells and device structures containing Ga(N, As) and (Ga, In)(N, As) (✓)   [2002]

Klar, P J; Gr ning, H; Heimbrodt, W; Weiser, G; Koch, J; Volz, K; Stolz, W; Koch, S W; Tomić, Stanko  ; Choulis, S A;
Hosea, T J C; O Reilly, E P; Hofmann, M; Hader, J; Moloney, J V;


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